RBS Server Locator![]() The RBS Server Locator enables you to operate your RBS Server on an inexpensive non-dedicated Internet connection with a dynamic IP address anywhere in the world. No other RBS company offers this cutting-edge service. What's the cost of this fantastic service? Zero. It is included at no additional charge as part of your RBS Maintenance Subscription, and built into your RBS Server software. Most inexpensive Internet connections have a dynamic IP address. This means that the Internet address of your connection changes whenever you log in and out of the Internet, and sometimes while you're connected. The problem with this kind of connection is that you can never be sure of your IP address. It works really well for surfing the web and doing most "normal" Internet activities. But until now it has been very difficult to operate a Server on such a connection, since a Client has to know your IP address to find your Server, and your IP address changes. The RBS Server Locator solves this problem by assigning your Server a unique Internet Domain Name that never changes. Your RBS Server software then sends your current IP address to the central Dynamic Name Servers at RBS whenever your IP address changes. Your clients can then find you at your Domain Name instead of your IP address, no matter what IP address you are on. If you're anywhere on the Internet, your clients can find you. You can use the Server Locator to move your server. If you need to move your Server to a different city, just move it. When you reconnect it, our central Domain Name Servers will find you and begin reporting your new location to your clients. If you have a prolonged outage of your Server, or during an emergency that effects your Server, RBS can (at your request) temporarily redirect your clients to a standby Server anywhere in the world. The Server Locator only works while your Maintenance Subscription is in force. It will not work with our Evaluation version. If your Maintenance Subscription has expired, you may renew it at |
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