Remote Server Backup
Remote server backup is becoming more important every day. As companies rely more heavily on computer data and applications, the amount of data stored on a company’s local area network is increasing. Much of the data are stored on desktops and workstations throughout the enterprise, but an increasing number of companies are requiring employees to work from shared network drives.
In most cases, this requirement is a reaction to previous episodes of data loss in which the only copy of some mission critical data was lost from a workstation or laptop computer. By requiring data to be accessed and saved to a central server, a company can perform a remote server backup to preserve the data. Using version and access-control software, these organizations can ensure that no two individuals are altering a document at the same time, therefore preserving the integrity of all documents and files.
In order to affect a secure remote server backup, companies previously had to copy all server data to a tape drive or other external media and transport this media offsite manually. It was a time consuming and tedious task, and was often shelved due to other responsibilities, or overlooked altogether. Many companies learned of the exposure points enabled by these processes too late, and were unable to restore data for one reason or another.
Today, a remote server backup is a relatively painless task. Using state-of-the-art remote backup software like RBackup, companies are able to back up volumes of server data - with minimal staff involvement. The software runs automatically, typically at night when system resources and demands are at a minimum, backing up critical data and files to an offsite location for secure storage. The requirement of tapes and third party personnel involvement are practically eliminated.
Remote server backup shouldn’t be a chore that is subject to schedules and procrastination. Statistically speaking, a company’s data is its most valuable asset - and chances simply shouldn’t be taken when preserving this asset. Contact our sales technicians to discuss how our online backup software can dramatically cut costs and streamline your remote server backup practices.