Hard Drive Cloning
The process of copying the contents of a computer hard disk drive to blank hard drive is called hard drive cloning. When cloning a drive, data files, as well as operating system, application, system state and active directory files, are copied directly to the new drive. Also referred to as disk cloning or hard disk drive cloning, this process has been successful in migrating data to thousands of hard drives.
Hard drive cloning, when used to migrate data to a new computer, allows the user to simply boot the new computer and resume use, as if they were using the original machine. As a data backup and recovery tool, hard drive cloning has received attention as a great way to preserve entire computing environments instead of only the data and files preserved by data backup and remote backup utilities.
For the average computer, or even an average business, anything more than occasional hard drive cloning might be considered overkill for backup purposes. Once these businesses have a good backup copy of operating system files and applications, which are usually readily available from original system recovery disks, it is only the data and files that change on a regular basis that need to be backed up to insure their accuracy and value upon restore.
A common use for hard drive cloning is to use it as a process to migrate data from one computer to another. Instead of creating multiple backups of data and files to be manually installed on a new computer, a simple hard drive cloning process can allow a user to migrate to a new, perhaps faster, computer while minimizing hassle, downtime and manual processes.
RBackup software has been used in many hard drive cloning applications, primarily where those disks contained data and files, perhaps as a component in a drive array. If you are considering hard drive cloning as a means of data backup, give us an opportunity to show you have our remote backup software may be the ideal data protection solution for you.
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