Exchange Server Backup
Of the data used by many small and large businesses alike, one of the most complex backup jobs is a Microsoft Exchange Server Backup. Due to rising compliance and archiving requirements in several industries, a reliable backup for exchange servers is becoming more important every day. As dependency on electronic messaging grows, email is considered a mission-critical application for most businesses.
Due to its intricate setup of databases for personal folders, calendars, mailboxes and other information stores, these products poses a serious challenge for users on both the exchange server backup and restore sides. While backing up and restoring the entire Exchange server is relatively simple, at least on the local area network, restoring an individual mailbox or account can be somewhat time consuming and tedious. Various cost-effective agents exist for exchange server backup on the LAN, but those that are compatible with online backup solutions usually command a fairly hefty fee.
RBackup Remote Backup software takes many of the pains out of backing up Exchange servers. The software, in use by thousands of IT companies around the world, can be configured to backup Exchange servers in a variety of ways.
Software users can backup the bit level changes within an Exchange server at the bit level, while the programs are open. And, due to the complex and carefully monitored processes used in this exchange server backup tool, mailbox level and folder level restores are fully supported in all current versions of Exchange. No longer will backing up an exchange server be a task to avoid or delay, but one to embrace and feel confident about.
When you are considering your options for exchange server backup, consider RBackup software from Remote Backup Systems. Using state of the art technology, it ensures that your biggest data backup challenges are manageable and robust, without breaking the bank. Also take a moment to check out our full-featured line of additional PlugIns and utilities. |