Disk Recovery
The range of software for disk recovery is always expanding. With the introduction of new disk media from time to time, software vendors find ways to provide disk recovery and disk recovery services for users of those media. From floppy disks to CDS, and from DVDs to hard disk drives, there is a disk recovery utility out there to cure the ills of almost any disk-based media.
Using RBackup disk recovery software, data from computer hard disks can be restored very quickly. Using some of Remote Backup Systems various LAN-based utilities, hard disk recovery for local area network machines can be a breeze instead of a chore. From .pst files to massive Exchange and SQL databases, RBS has a solution for practically any disk recovery project.
In deciding on media to use for disk backups, one should consider carefully the various choices available, and weigh those against the resources available for both backup and restore of data. While disk recovery using one backup media may be relatively straightforward, it may be next to impossible for non-tech staff to accomplish a disk recovery using another.
RBS recommends using hard disk drives and remote backup software to prepare for recovering data. The failure rates of other media are simply too high to trust them with your critical data and files, or those of your clients. Also, remote backup software automatically ships the data to an offsite backup server, making disk recovery possible in situations where other media and processes would simply fail.
Contact one of our sales engineers today to discuss your plans and preparations for disk recovery. Having seen the good, the bad, and the ugly in disk backup and recovery solutions, RBS technicians have a unique perspective on what choice might be right for your business. Put our experience to work for you.