Did Vembu turn out the lights on you?

RBackup can help.

“MSPBackup” is just Storegrid with a new name and the same old problems. Click here for complete details.

Migrate to RBackup now!

  • We will buy your MCALs.
  • We will help you migrate.
  • We won’t poach your customers
  • Brandable at no cost
  • Host your own backups
  • “Seeding” through USB Drives
  • Half Vembu’s price

Looking for an alternative you can count on? Talk to us. We’re Remote Backup Systems – the company who invented brandable online backup. We’re a 27 year old company who works only with channel partners. You can count on us!

Just want a guided demonstration? Contact us to schedule an appointment!

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Licensing Models
Strong Foundations
All Remote
Handle Anything
  • RBackup is licensed like most other software vendors – permanent licenses with no mandatory recurring fees. Our licenses are based on the number of endpoints serviced, and on the features the endpoints need. RBackup licenses never expire. When you buy 200 Licenses, they are yours forever and do not have to be renewed or bought again. RBackup licenses recycle automatically; if you take an endpoint out of service, its licenses automatically recycle back into your available license pool and you can reuse them with new endpoints.

    RBackup also offers a subscription licensing model for those who prefer it, but unlike Storegrid (and now MSP Backup), features are not sold piecemeal. RBackup's subscription program is based solely on the edition of the Endpoint you install for a particular client; the Personal edition uses one license, the Desktop edition uses two, and the Server edition uses four. 

  • Don't rely on code your vendor doesn't own. No IT guy in his right mind would agree to install an old, unpatched Apache web server on a customer’s server. Vembu’s reasons for using an Apache web server included allowing them to write simpler Client software in PHP and Java, using Apache to run the Client’s user interface, and to allow you to manage your endpoints remotely. It also allowed Vembu to use as many as fifteen Public Domain and Open Source modules instead of writing their software from scratch like RBS does. Why go to all the trouble to write your own software when you can just download it free from the Internet, change it up a bit, and then sell it as your own?

    This solved an immediate problem (getting cheap software to the market quickly and making a little money fast) but it eventually crumbled under the weight of increasingly outdated software that Vembu couldn’t maintain because they didn’t own the source code.

    So, it just got older and older, developing more problems as newer operating systems and databases hit the market, until it was just too old to be profitable for them doing an increasing amount of tech support.

  • The MSPBackup (or as it used to be called, Storegrid) software started out life as peer-to-peer software. Every Client was also a Server. You’re probably used to installing a Server out at some of your customers’ sites, where all the local workstations back up to the on-site server, and then that server “replicates” offsite. This is very different from our approach, which uses a true client/server architecture. So, we have pure Clients (the endpoint software) and Servers (the data center computer that receives and stores backups).

    Each of our Clients backs up directly to the offsite Server. Our Clients can also mirror their backups to three locations simultaneously – the offsite RBS Server, any local device like a shared drive, and also to cloud services like Google Drive and DropBox.

    Restores can be done by any Client from the local shared drive at full local network speed. If the local device is not available, restores are done from any of the other offsite locations, automatically.

  • Back up at the file level, database level, VMs, and full disk images. RBackup can maintain immediately mountable VHD files for lightning fast onsite disaster recovery.

    There are built-in agents to back up all versions of Exchange at the brick level, SQL Server, Active Directory, Sharepoint, Windows VSS and other "special" databases and file sets, including file that are open and in use. Using our Redundant Hybrid Backup, your clients' data can be sent -- encrypted, compressed, and compliant -- to up to three different locations for maximum security. Restores can be performed over the internet or, directly from your RBackup Server directly to a local drive, and by shipping a fully encrypted, fully compliant backup via USB drive.

    First full backups can be “seeded” via portal hard drive.

    Between our vast feature set and iron-clad security protocols, you'll be equipped to handle virtually anything a client can throw at you. Advanced compression and Bit Backup ensure that you're ready to handle graphic artists or firms, and secure encryption helps you maintain compliance with HIPAA, GLB, and SOX so you can cover medical offices or CPAs.

Basic Backup Type (Workstation Edition)

All Files, Folders, SQL, all Server and Desktop OS

Pricing / year

$15 (compare at $30)



Application Backup (Server Edition)

Files, Folders, SQL, Exchange, Active Directory,
System State, Sharepoint, VMware, Hyper-V,
Hybrid Backup (3 locations), Auto Failover, Hot Site,
Full Disk Image for Disaster Recovery

Pricing / year

$45 (compare at $90-$120) 

Just one price for ALL features.


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