RBS Virtual Hosting - Sign UpLet us worry about the servers while you concentrate on making sales!
How Billing Works After you have paid for your Virtual Hosting account you will be given access to your Virtual Hosting Portal. There you can add and delete clients, and do many other tasks. You don't have to purchase client accounts in advance. Just add them as you need them, and delete them when you don't. On the 15th of every month your credit card will be billed for the number of client licenses and storage space, calculated as native file size, you have used during the preceding 30 days, prorated daily. For example, if you use 15GB for 5 days on an RBackup Virtual Hosting account, you will be charged for 15GB for 5 days. If you use a client license for 20 days, you will be charged for the use of the Client license for only 20 days out of the month. The minimum monthly purchase amount of $100 will be billed if your usage falls below the minimum, except for your first month when we waive the minimum fee. During your first month you will be charged only for client licenses and storage space. Virtual Hosting Setup and Graphics Customization ($500) - We will install the graphics that you supply. Graphics that can be changed include: The Welcome screen, Splash screen, caption graphic (upper left corner of all screens), the shortcut graphics (desktop), system tray icon, Add/Remove Programs icon, and the program icon (displays in Windows Explorer). Graphics must be submitted in specific formats and sizes, which will be emailed to you. What is the difference between Mercury and RBackup? We have written an article that explains the difference between our two core products. Click here to view it. Client Licenses ($1.50/month) Virtual Hosting accounts have access to an unlimited number of client licenses. Just add them as you need them. Storage Fee Storage fees are billed per gigabyte of native file size (the file size on your customers' computers) for the total of all your clients on a sliding scale according to the following table. Wholesale Storage Space Prices (per GB)
Special Consulting ($250/hr) Includes consultations with an RBS engineer who can help you design the best features and branding for your business model. Also includes help setting up a Merchant Account and Shopping Cart through 1Shoppingcart.com.
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The most robust, feature-rich, brandable Online Backup Software on the market. Test drive everything RBackup has to offer.
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