RBS Virtual Hosting - Customization and BrandingLet us worry about the servers while you concentrate on making sales!
The software you distribute to your clients can be customized and branded to a very high level. You can change file selections, and almost completely change the way your software works. You can make it look and act like your own software. You might want to offer several service plans at different prices, which have different amounts of storage space, or different default settings. The file inclusion/exclusion rules, schedules, disk space quotas, and dozens of other attributes can be set to create software for your different plans, as in the following examples. (Prices are only for demonstration purposes, and in no way reflect market prices. You can charge whatever you like.) Personal Plan ($19.95/month) Twice-weekly backups of the Documents and Settings folders, including Microsoft Office documents, and excluding music and video files on a single computer. This plan comes with 2 GB of storage space. Files are kept for 30 days, then rotated off the Server, oldest files first. Customers have no control over file selections or scheduling. Professional Plan ($39.99/month) Daily backups of all MS Office documents and common accounting programs on a single computer. Customers have full control over file selections, but not scheduling. Comes with 5 GB of storage space. Files are kept for 90 days. Includes daily emails of backup and storage space status. Small Office Plan ($89.99/month) Daily backups of all files on up to 5 computers, except for a list of file types like Windows System files, .ZIP files, .EXE files, files in certain folders, temporary files, etc. Customers can select their own files to include and exclude. Comes with 15 GB of storage space. Files are kept for 120 days. Includes daily emails of backup and storage space status. Medium Office Plan ($199.99/month) Daily backups of 1 Windows Server and 5 workstations. Includes backups of MS Exchange, SQL Server, Active Directory, System State, and all selected files, excluding all excluded files. Service Provider will install and set up the backups, and monitor them daily. Comes with 15 GB of storage space. Files are kept for 90 days. Includes daily emails of backup and storage space status. Vertical Market Plan ($99.99/month) Daily backups of your Dental Office data (or Restaurant data, or body shop data, etc.) Backs up only the data files associated with your practice management system (or restaurant terminals, etc.) Keeps files for six months. Comes with 15 GB of storage space. Includes daily emails of backup and storage space status. Your Virtual Hosting account gives you the freedom to define your own plans by mixing and matching dozens of available attributes including the most popular, listed below. There are others that RBS engineers might suggest to you after we learn how you want to use your software.
There are two options for customization:
Recommended Next Page: About the Virtual Hosting Management Portal
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