![]() Subscription License ModelsAn alternative to buying your software outright, under our Subscription Licensing Models you can pay monthly only for what you use. Host your own Online Backup Server for as little as $350 to start!This licensing model has a much lower cost of entry than our standard Permanent Licensing Model. Under our Subscription License Model you can pay monthly for each Monthly License that you use as your business grows instead of making your entire investment up front by buying Permanent Licenses. There are no contracts and you can cancel any time. Instead of buying your software outright you can pay monthly for the Licenses you use. You still host the software on your own hardware or in the Cloud, like the Standard (Permanent) Licensing option. More Info: [How are Monthly Licenses Used?] Subscription License Model software is the same as our popular Permanent License Model software except for the following limitations: To get started, just buy a block of Monthly Licenses here. If you already have an Evaluation Version, enter its serial number at checkout to apply the Monthly Licenses to it. If you do not already have a serial number, leave the Serial Number field blank at checkout. A new serial number and download instructions will be emailed to you. We will send you emails when it is time to buy more Monthly Licenses, and your software will also pop up a message reminding you when you start to run out of Monthly Licenses. Just purchase more Monthly Licenses online, enter your serial number at checkout, and more Monthly Licenses will be automatically provisioned to your RBS Server within ten minutes. Here's what you get: How are Monthly Licenses Used? When you are on the Subscription Licensing Model you buy blocks of Monthly Licenses in advance and use them as you add end user accounts to your RBS Server. Your RBS Server also uses four (4) Monthly Licenses. Your License Balance is displayed on screen on the RBS Manager. Once a month your License Balance is charged for the number of Monthly Licenses you have used during the previous month. Here is an example: April 23 - You buy a block of 80 Monthly Licenses and they are applied to your License Balance. May 3 - You add a new Server account using 4 Monthly Licenses. (Remember, your RBS Server also uses 4 Licenses per month.) May 23 (+- 3 days) - Your License Balance is depleted by 8 Monthly Licenses (4 for your new account, and 4 for the RBS Server,) leaving your License Balance at 72 Monthly Licenses. June 1 - You add a Workstation account, using 2 Monthly Licenses. June 23 (+- 3 days) - Your License Balance is depleted by 10 Monthly Licenses (4 for the Server account, and 2 for the Workstation account, and 4 for your RBS Server) leaving your License Balance at 62 Monthly Licenses. Your License Balance is charged only for Monthly Licenses that you use. Unused Monthly Licenses do not expire until they have been used. 80 Monthly Licenses is enough to back up one 4-License Server account for ten months. Can I change my license model from Subscription to Permanent? No. Our Permanent License model (the standard model) is more popular because it comes with a higher level of support, access to the Partner's Portal, and free installation. Does my RBS Server use Monthly Licenses if I have no end user accounts? Your RBS Server uses four (4) Monthly Licenses per month only if you have at least one end user account. It will not use Monthly Licenses if you have no accounts. No matter how many end user accounts you have, your RBS Server will only use four (4) Monthly Licenses per month for its own license. It starts using Monthly Licenses when you add your first end user account. How soon after purchase are Monthly Licenses applied to my RBS Server? What is included in my purchase? What is not included? For more information please phone or email. |
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