Errors and Troubleshooting


Error 10061

This error can happen if you trying to connect to the Server with the wrong parameters, for example Username or Password. It can also happen if the Server is actively refusing your connection for some reason such as closure of your account.


It can be caused by attempting to log into the wrong Server, or by using the wrong port number. This error can also be caused if a firewall is blocking SiteShelter from reaching the Server.


Make sure your firewall is not blocking the connection. Verify your Username and Password, and the Server's correct URL and port number. Contact the ISP who hosts the Server to make sure your login parameters are correct and that your account is enabled.


Log File: Original File Renamed from�

This warning indicates that a file on the FTP server has a name that is illegal in Windows, and that SiteShelter has renamed the file to make it Windows-compliant. An example is where a file on a Unix FTP server named, "Jerry's Document" is illegal under Windows because it contains an apostrophe ('). SiteShelter will remove the offending character and store the file under the name, "Jerrys Document"

Rename the files on the FTP server to Windows-compliant file names so they can be restored properly later, exclude them in the Exclude field of the Site Config tab, or remember to rename them after restoring them later.


Log File: Get Failed 550 (Permission denied)

This error indicates that a file on the FTP server cannot be downloaded because the settings on the FTP server for the logged-in account do not allow it to be downloaded. Change the permissions on the folder or file in question, or exclude it in the Exclude field of the Site Config tab.


SiteShelter indicates zero files backed up.

Verify that there are files on the FTP server to back up, and that they are of a more recent date and time than those stored in Local Storage. When in doubt, delete files from Local Storage and re-run the backup. Verify that files are not listed in the Exclude field of the Site Config tab.

If there is an entry in the Start Folder of the Site Config tab, verify that it is in the correct format. See Site Config Tab for help properly entering the Start Folder.


Connection to the FTP Server is dropped.

If the connection is lost during a backup session, SiteShelter will try to reconnect five times before giving up. You can change the number of times SiteShelter retries by changing a registry key.

This procedure requires manually modifying the Windows Registry using the Registry Editor. If you are unfamiliar with REGEDIT, we recommend that you NOT attempt this procedure. If done incorrectly, you can accidentally render Windows itself inoperable.

Steps to Create the Registry Key:

1. Click Start -> Run, Type regedit.

2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Remote Backup Systems ->


3. Right Click on SiteShelter and Select 'New -> String Value'.

4. Give the Name as 'RetryCount' and value as the number of times SiteShelter must try to reconnect before it quits.


SiteShelter erased my hard drive!

The Mirror Mode of SiteShelter maintains an exact copy of an Internet site at the location on your hard drive defined in the Backup Location field of the Local Storage tab. It keeps the two locations - your Internet site and your Local Storage - synchronized, adding and updating files in Local Storage as they are added and updated on the Internet site, and deleting files from Local Storage that do not exist on the Internet Site.

If, despite all the warnings here and here and on the two big warning screens that pop up in the SiteShelter software itself when you select a Backup Location that already has files in it, (the second of which you had to type "YES" to) you selected the wrong Backup Location, SiteShelter probably did erase files you didn't want it to erase.


Technical Support

Tech Support for SiteShelter is provided through an online support system at our web site, at the following address: