Site Config Tab




Use the Site Config tab to load information about the Internet site you want to back up. This includes the basic access info like site address, login name, port number, and more.


Config File - The currently loaded SiteConfig file

Site Address - The URL or IP address of the FTP server.

Username - The login name for the FTP server

Anonymous - Check this box if the FTP server allows anonymous logins.

Password - The login password for the FTP server

Start Folder - SiteShelter will switch to this folder before beginning its backup. (See below, Start Folder)

Exclude - The Exclude file directives. (see below, Excluding Files)

Port - The port number for the FTP server. Usually 21.

SiteID - Assign a Site ID for creating log file names. Each web site you back up should have a different and unique Site ID. Normally, use the web site's domain name here. You can enter anything you want to identify this web site. This field is used only to name the log files. You can place all your log files for all sites in the same folder, as long as you use different site IDs.


Start Folder

Use the Start Folder to tell SiteShelter where to start backing up the Internet site. Normally, SiteShelter starts backing up in the FTP Root Directory (the default login directory for the FTP account) and backs up everything in that directory and all directories below it.

You can modify that behavior by using the Start Folder to tell SiteShelter where to start backing up instead of the default FTP Root Directory.

Start Folder must be a relative path from the FTP root directory, properly spelled, with correct case, and proper punctuation. The slash character, if used, should be a forward slash, like this: /

For example, many web sites have a folder structure similar to the following:


[FTP Root]









In this example the FTP Root folder contains the directories /cgi-bin and /public_html. In addition, the /cgi-bin folder contains two folders called /admin and /hse. /public_html contains three directories which themselves contain files and directories. (For purposes of this discussion, directory and folder mean the same thing.)

By default, SiteShelter will back up all files in the FTP Root folder, and all files and folders in the /cgi-bin and /public_html folders. It will back up the entire directory tree in the example above.

Suppose, however, that you only want to back up the /html_files directory and all the files and folders within it, you would specify the Start Folder as the following:




Note that there is no leading slash character, and no trailing slash.


Excluding Files

Normally all files on a web site are backed up. However, there are some files that may be too big, or some folders that you don't want to back up to conserve space on the local hard drive.

The exclude directive is used for this purpose.

List the files, file types (by file extension), and folder names that you would like to exclude from backups. Separate them with commas. When excluding files by extension, be sure to include the period (.) before the extension. Here's an example of an exclude directive:




This example will exclude all files ending in .cab, all files ending in .tar, all files in the cgi-bin directory, and all files ending in .exe